To learn what you can do with the SendHub API, visit our developer site at:
You can check the API documentation here: API Docs
We are also available on Zapier where you can click to integrate with many platforms.
All SendHub plans come with a given amount of API calls. Depending on the plan, some have more API calls than others. If you have questions about the amount of API calls that are included on your plan, please contact sales by calling 844-990-4400 and press 1 for Sales. You can also email at
If you're going to use SendHub with a third party application, you’ll need your API key and your username. To find your API key navigate to “My Settings” by clicking the cog wheel in the upper right corner and clicking “My Settings” from the drop down menu. Then scroll down to the API section at the bottom of the page and you will find your API key.
You can paste in a Webhook URL at the bottom of the "My Settings" page by the API key.