How To Export Data From Your SendHub Analytics Page
SendHubs Analytics page offers powerful data insights about individual or company wide usage. Below you'll find a step by step process on how quick and easy it is to export your SendHub Analytics Data.
You are only able to export data in increments of 3 months, you may repeat this process multiple times to get any amount of data you need.
At the top right of every Analytics page is an export button and at the top left you will be able to choose the option of exporting your entire enterprises data or an individual line.
Once you have chosen a line and clicked export you will be taken to the following page.
Here you can,
Choose the dates for the data you would like exported, remember only 3 months of data can be exported at a time.
Choose what type of data you would like exported.
Once you click export, a CSV file with your data will be sent to the email associated with your account and the following message will appear,
SendHubs Analytics page is a great tool to use within your account. Not only can you analyze your business data but you can export your data into convenient CSV files for business or personal use.
Do you have any further questions about your SendHub Analytics page? Call us at 844-990-4400 and press 1 for support or email us at and we'd be happy to help!