To create a new group, navigate to the Groups tab, then click the "New Group" button in the upper right corner of the screen.
First, give the Group a name. Make the name something that makes it clear what the group is for.
Next, create a keyword for the Group. The keyword is the word people will use to join the Group, so make it easy to spell and pronounce.
If you want people to be able to join the Group by texting the Keyword to your SendHub phone number, make sure the box next to "Enable text to join" is checked. (It will be by default).
Finally, add a custom welcome message that people will receive when they join the group.
Note: Only people that join the group by texting the Keyword to your phone number and then providing consent to receive future texts will receive the welcome message.
Once everything is good to go, click "Save Group" to finish creating the Group.