Block and Unblock Contacts Through Our Contacts Tool
The SendHub Contacts Tool allows you to easily mass block and unblock contacts from your account using a CSV file.
Your CSV file should include the numbers you want to block or unblock (with or without the one in front of the number) and your CSV file should not include headers.
This feature is especially handy when you start to see errors on your messages. It can be found my clicking on 'Tools' on the left-hand side of the application as seen in the image below.
Once you have clicked the Contact Tools Button you will be taken to the following page:
Your Username and API Key can both be found under 'My Settings' within your SendHub Account.
Once you have entered the necessary information, you will be taken here:
Here you can upload a CSV file of your SendHub contacts which you would like to be blocked or unblocked. File requirements:
Must be a CSV file - all spreadsheets are able to be exported into CSV. Numbers, Excel or a PDF will NOT work.
The file must only contain phone numbers, names and other details are not needed and will not let your file upload.
No spaces, parenthesis, dashes etc should be within the phone numbers.
Numbers must be 10 or 11 digits long.
Following the guidelines above is important; if your CSV file is not formatted correctly, your file will fail to upload. Below is an example of how your CSV should look:
Once your file is uploaded you will be able to confirm the numbers you have uploaded and proceed to block them. These same steps can be taken to unblock mass contacts as well.
If you have any further questions on how to use our contacts tool please reach out to us at and we'd be happy to help you!